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Japan in Your Neighborhood

Feeling nostalgic about Japan? Luckily, we live in a place where there are Japanese things all around us! Whether it’s Japanese social groups, gardens, stores, restaurants, or hot springs, there are lots of ways to get your Japanese “fix” right in your own neighborhood. Click on the following links to see just some of what’s out there.


JET-Related Resources

Useful JET-Related Links
  • JET Program homepage

  • JET Program webpage of the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco

  • JETAA USA – national JET alumni association, made up of 19 regional chapters

  • JETAA-I – international JET alumni association, made up of 52 chapters active in 17 countries

  • JETAA International Google Group – Connect with JETAA alumni around the world! This online discussion group was set up because there are many chapters around the world (e.g., Australia; Singapore) that have been active but operating in isolation.  The group creates a forum for energy and ideas from alumni around the world.

  • – a large online community for JET alumni

  • CLAIR – U.S. office of the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, the administering body of the JET Program and sponsor of JETAA

  • JET Certificate of Participation – JET alumni may receive a “Certificate of Participation” verifying their participation on JET from CLAIR by filling out the application found here.

Alumni Publications and Media


Additional alumni publications and media are listed here.

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